I’ve been working on making a really simple IMGUI implementation for my engine at home. I like to do a little bit of research when I’m approaching something new to me like this, so I went hunting around for publicly available implementations. While doing this, I came across Mikko Mononen’s implementation in Recast.
I was impressed when I ran the demo with how smooth his UI looked. It turns out that he’s using a little trick (which I’d never seen before, but I’m sure is old to many) to smooth of the edges of his UI elements.
Basically, the trick is to create a ring of extra vertices by extruding the edges of the polygon out by a certain amount. These extra vertices take the same color as the originals, but their alpha is set to zero. Mikko calls this ‘feathering’.
In my case, I found that I got good results by feathering just one pixel. Here’s a quick before/after comparison of the my IMGUI check box at 800% zoom:
And here’s a 1-to-1 example showing rounded button corners:
It’s a pretty nice improvement for a very simple technique! If you’re interested in what the code looks like, then either take a look at Mikko’s IMGUI implementation, or you can find the code I use to feather my convex polygons below.
My implementation is a little less efficient since I recalculate each edge normal twice, but I chose to keep it simple for readability.
[…] path to get an approximation of pixel coverage on each pixel. This technique is mentioned in the CodeItNow blog. The problem with this technique is that shapes are slightly […]